
In this episode, we talk to Dr Rachel Gainsbrugh about how luxury Airbnb investing could make a real difference for busy medical professionals.

“One or two could really change your life and allow you to bring your patient care to a whole new level because you have a little bit of that breathing room and elbow room in your life. It takes off a bit of stress to have a little bit more cash coming in on the side.”

-Dr. Rachel Gainsbrugh, Pharmacist and Luxury Real Estate Investor

Dr. Jen Barna introduces guest Dr. Rachel Gainsbrugh, a pharmacist who paid off her half a million dollars of student debt and then became a successful luxury short term rental investor. Dr. Gainsbrugh became self-taught in all things real estate and now has her own successful business renting out luxury properties using rental platforms. Recently, one of her luxury rentals was showcased on a Netflix TV show. 

Today, she shares her expert advice to physicians on how to navigate the real estate business, where to start, and how to determine when to stop learning and start doing. Most importantly, Rachel Gainsbrugh explains why having an additional source of income is essential for those in the healthcare field. For beginners, Dr. Gainsbrugh holds her own Luxury Short Term Rental Academy training class to help other healthcare professionals learn about how they may enter into real estate investing. Listen today to Rachel Gainsbrugh’s motivating story about one way you can take charge of your income to start living your best life.

Rachel was born in Haiti with a drive to make a difference and not take her parents’ sacrifices for granted. She was raised in Miami, worked hard, became a doctor and was left with $500K in student loans. 

So, she grinded hard to pay off her loans. When she found AirBNB investing, it became a game-changer for her where she was able to make 15X on short-term real estate rentals over long-term rentals. 

Now, she’s a healthcare professional by day and a rental investor by night. She’s the owner and manager of 19 luxury short-term rentals with lucrative cash-flowing rental portfolio, mom, wife and real estate coach that was recently featured on a Netflix TV show showcasing one of her luxury rentals. 

Rachel is passionate about helping professionals create a life they don’t need a vacation from through AirBNB investing

She can discuss: 

  • LESS IS MORE: How to Own & Operate the FEWEST Number of Properties That Yield the High Profitability- Even in Non-Vacation Areas!
  • How to Work a 9-5 & Be a Successful Real Estate Investor with Profitable Short-term Rentals
  • BEST OF BOTH WORLDS: How AirBNB Rentals Can Be a Fun Financial Asset to Invest In & Rest In
  • Stop Trading Your Hours for Dollars- Make Money While You Sleep: 90% of Millionaires Are Made Through Real Estate Investing! 
  • Thrive In a Crowded Market: Why Airbnb is the Best Cash-flow Vehicle in the Real Estate Space Right Now & How to Use the Blue Ocean Strategy to Differentiate
  • Financial Wellness is Wellness Too! Advice From a Healthcare Provider & Mother on Financial Literacy & Self-care
  • How Healthcare Providers Can Achieve Absolute Freedom to Live the Life They Truly Desire & Take Patient Care to Amazing New Levels
  • Growing a Wildly Successful Online & Remorse Business: Why Having Multiple Streams of Income Isn’t a Luxury- It’s Essential!

You can contact Rachel at:

[email protected]

(212)220- 3953

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Please enjoy the full transcript below


Dr. Rachel: One or two could really change your life and allow you to bring your patient care to a whole new level, because you have a little bit of that breathing room and elbow room in your lives. It takes up a bit of stress to have a little bit more cash coming in on the side.

[DocWorking theme]

Jen: Welcome to DocWorking: The Whole Physician Podcast. Thank you for being here with me today and if you’re a healthcare professional interested in living your best life and you’re in the process of figuring out what that means specifically for you, you have come to the right place. At DocWorking: The Whole Physician Podcast, we bring guests who can make your life better, starting today. Many of our podcast listeners and our DocWorking Thrive members have let us know that they’re interested in entrepreneurship and creating multiple streams of income. One of my favorite subjects is financial independence. What does that mean? Well, it’s different for everyone, but the key is getting yourself into what I call a safety zone. Meaning, getting yourself into a place of stability, where you know that you can cover your basics if you needed to make any changes to your life, and this allows you to have financial peace while you’re doing what you really care about, so that financial stress is not one of the factors that’s contributing to you and, living your best life. You can focus on what you really care about.

So the guest that I’m bringing on today, I hope you’ll find really interesting. If you’re like me, maybe you’ve considered some different side gigs. Maybe you’re thinking about what is going to be the best side gig for me? And maybe you’re thinking, possibly, it has something to do with real estate. If that’s the case, I think you’re going to love today’s guest, Dr. Rachel Gainsbrugh. Rachel is a pharmacist and she has a side gig, which is luxury short-term rentals. She helps busy medical professionals learn how to do this in a way that helps them to earn a side income while they’re still working their day job. She’s been featured on Netflix and the BiggerPockets blog, and we’re bringing her here today so that we can ask your questions about how she has managed to do this. She’s still working full time. She’s a mom of two kids, a wife, and she’s got a side business managing multiple luxury short-term rental properties. So, Dr. Rachel Gainsbrugh, thank you for coming on the podcast with me today. Welcome to DocWorking: The Whole Physician Podcast.

Dr. Rachel: Thank you so much, Jen, for having me. I so appreciate what you are doing for the community. The information that you’re disseminating, the time that you’ve taken to share it is just absolutely invaluable. So, thank you so much for having me.

Jen: I’m so excited to talk with you today. I love what you’re doing. It’s really innovative and you’ve managed to build up this empire really, of short-term luxury rentals, and I’m so curious how you’ve done that. I’ve got a ton of questions and I think our listeners are going to be very intrigued to hear your story. So, could you start just by telling us your backstory and how you came into this type of business as a side gig?

Dr. Rachel: Yeah, absolutely. I was born in Haiti, raised in Miami, I was taught that education was the absolute way. We, actually, didn’t have a lot of money growing up, so, I understood, you know, how to live on less than I had, growing up, but once I went to college on a full scholarship and graduated, when I started graduate school, pharmacy school, I went to – I felt like it was the most expensive private school ever. I had no financial literacy. There was not really too many finances to literate upon, so to speak, and so, I ended up with a whopping –  my husband and I actually, we ended up with a whopping half million dollars in student loans, which was insane. But at the time we were being fed the narrative that you’re going to be making all this money, it’s going to be so great. I drank that Kool-Aid and then ended up graduating with half a million dollars in student loans. 

When we graduated, instead of doing the obvious and most intelligent thing, which is living beneath our means and paying off the debt, initially I went for the big house, I went for the big car, kids were in private school, I was going to, for the first time in my life, live my best life ever. [chuckles] I quickly learned that there’s something called taxes, I quickly learned that my student loan debt was three to four times higher monthly payments than my mortgage. It was back in 2008, when there was a lot of devastation financially and my husband at the time, he even struggled finding work in psychotherapy initially. And so, we decided we had to do something. Within a year, we’ve realized we had to do something big. And so, we sold everything, moved from a nearly 5,000 square-foot home into a 1,600 square-foot apartment, and in a really good school district area, took the kids out of private school, they went to public school, and we worked on chipping away at that student loan debt and we essentially got rid of it within a few years. 

Moonlighting, working extra jobs, working extra shifts at the hospital, and finally, we cleared it up, and we thought to ourselves, “Okay, what do we do next?” At that point, we looked at all these investment strategies, even novel ones back then such as cryptocurrency, bitcoin. But we couldn’t quite understand those types of investing strategies. We have a philosophy – we stick to what we understand – and we investigated  real estate, and it was obvious to us. We can see the home, we can touch the home, and so we went down that journey to understanding all that came with real estate investing. There’re so many different strategies out there and we landed on short-term rentals, because at that point, we’re looking for something to really accelerate our income in short-term rentals, I checked that box. 

Jen: Wow, I think there are so many people out there in our community as healthcare professionals that are graduating with huge amounts of debt and that can be really overwhelming. The story you tell is so typical. I did the same thing. When I finished my residency, I thought, “Oh, thank goodness.” I was 36 years old by that point, because I was a nontraditional student, it was a long residency, I had kids, and everyone in my family really had this deferred gratification concept, where you think like, “Okay, I’ve invested all these years, I’ve worked so hard to get where I am and now, I’m going to just enjoy this.” Then you just basically, just make that leap into a lifestyle that is very expensive, before you take into consideration all of the ramifications of doing that. And so, what I love about your story is that, despite doing that, you guys stopped, figured out, “Okay, something’s got to change,” and then you took action, and made major changes, and then got yourself out of debt, and then took the next step to take action to put yourself in a better place, which is just tremendous. It’s just such a wonderful example to those of us who are listening to your story. 

You guys decided to get into real estate. I think you and I both have in common that we have listened to podcasts and read books on real estate investment, BiggerPockets, I always like to give them a shoutout, because I’ve listened to so many hundreds of hours. [laughs] One question is when you start going down that path and you’re thinking, “Okay, this might be a side gig that would work for me.” How do you get past that analysis paralysis, where you’re just learning, learning, learning and you realize, of course, that you can always be learning, you would never learn everything. At what point did you say, “Okay, I’ve learned enough, I’m taking the first step, I’m actually going to invest” in terms of the investment, I suppose the investment income that you need to have to be able to do that successfully?

Dr. Rachel: For me, and I don’t think I realized it at the moment, but sometimes, we have these roadblocks and it could be a self-limiting belief, it could be something that’s stopping us because I did listen to about two, two and a half years of BiggerPockets Podcast, I just consumed that information. I could do a property valuation in seconds, I could really identify a great market within minutes, but there was an aha moment that I clearly and I distinctly recall. We were sitting on some cash from a bonus that we had received and we’re sitting on some cash from, I think, some savings cash. We had enough to put a 10% down or 20% down on a smaller property. But the aha moment for me is, when I read one page in Brandon Turner’s book on real estate investment. I think it’s The Book on Rental Property Investing is the title of it. And this one page had a table of the different large mechanical items within a home. The square footage of the home, like a range, two different square feet ranges, smaller versus larger home and the price point it would take to fully replace those mechanical items. 

For me, that was the aha moment. I was like, “Oh, okay, so, it was no longer dad in my ear saying if plumbing is not working in a property, it’s not a good property? If the roof has a leak, it’s not a good property and walk away, if the electrical isn’t working, just walk away.” As an investor, it’s a different hat you’re wearing. If plumbing isn’t working, that’s going to take XYZ dollars to repair. And this type of size of a home, if it’s the roof it’d be $11,000 in a 2,200 square foot home. And so, that to me was the aha moment because I can then take those figures, those numbers, and then plug them into my formula, and identify is it still a good deal instead of being this nebulous mystery. Oh, plumbing! Roof! [laughs] To me, that was the aha moment. 

Having just started in this home ownership venture, because at that point we had purchased our own home, and not knowing what can go wrong. Initially, we had stuck to brand new homes in the beginning with my naivety, but as a real estate investor, there’s, none of that is happening. [laughs] You have to be a bit open-minded. For me, that was that aha moment. So, identify – to your audience I would say, identify what is it that’s stopping you? What is it that’s stopping you? For me, it was that not knowing what those price points were, but I could have easily taken a step back and really sought after finding that information. So, whatever is stopping you, that information is out there, it’s figureoutable. Investors have definitely figured it out, and if you can connect with other investors, or realtors, or even Google some of that information and start jotting it down, the answers are out there.

Jen: I love that idea of just realizing, really taking that step back to analyze yourself and what it is that’s holding you back. When you were making the decision of what type of real estate investment to do, there’re so many different options. What made you decide to go into the luxury short-term rental specifically?

Dr. Rachel: You’ve listened to BiggerPockets. I think you’re going to be able to relate with this. When I initially started to look over the landscape to different investment strategies for real estate, I was thinking, “Okay, what is the lowest hanging fruit that’s not going to take a lot of my dollars, that’s not going to take a lot of time?” Somehow, I got wrapped up into some marketing that I saw here, there, advertising. I was like, “Oh, obviously, wholesaling, this is going to be great.” [laughs] I quickly realized, “Oh, my goodness.” When I looked in a little bit further, I’m like, “This is a lot of time.” and as a full-time working healthcare professional, I don’t have that time capital to spend door knocking or posting flyers, all of the running around that occurs with wholesaling.

The next step was, ‘Okay, obviously, let me do something that’s not going to take a whole lot of time, but it’s going to generate me a lot of revenue for my dollars.” and my next step was obviously fix and flip. Yeah, in 30-minute episode, you’re making 40k [laughs] on HDTV. So yeah, again, I overanalyzed both of those strategies, and my goal, Jen, was not to find another job. I didn’t want to be a project manager necessarily for a fix and flip. I didn’t want to be a wholesaler. I’m a healthcare professional, but I wanted a side gig and I didn’t want a whole other full-time job. And so, I was very clear on that, and so I swung all the way the other direction and said “Syndications that’s going to be great. It’s completely passive.” But when I looked at the numbers, it wasn’t enough to really pique my interest. I was dancing a fine line. I landed on single family homes, purchasing single family homes, I didn’t necessarily want to be a landlord, long-term landlord, because that does require a bit of hand holding sometimes, especially if you’re purchasing at a lower price point. So, I wanted to stretch the dollars. How do I stretch these dollars to the max and is there a way I can put in systems, so that I’m not necessarily working in the business all the time, so that I can work on the business? Short-term rentals was it for me. When I did more analysis and I dug in a little bit further, the niche in the luxury space definitely made the big difference in the numbers.

Jen: I know short-term rentals have become extremely popular. Do you see the market getting overcrowded in that space and is that affecting your future thinking in terms of how you’re investing? 

Dr. Rachel: Yeah, that’s a great question. ‘red ocean, blue ocean’ strategy is what I like to refer to. When you’re operating a lot of times in luxury brands, there’s not that many other competitors and that was another way to hedge against competition is to stay in the luxury space. But I will tell you there is a bit of overcrowding. However, it’s because of demand, more and more individuals are gravitating towards staying in homes, wanting to live like a local, wanting the convenience of having a full kitchen instead of a hotel. The overcrowding is in response to demand. I’m seeing a lot of times, rarely do I see overcrowding due to oversaturation, prices are still increasing. The number of units are increasing, but the prices are still increasing. But when you niche, it doesn’t matter what industry you’re in. When you niche and you set yourself apart a little bit, I believe that you will still be in demand to the audience that you’re speaking to.

Jen: And do you use those typical platforms that people think of or do you use different platforms for reaching your potential customers?

Dr. Rachel: Yeah, I use the typical platforms. There are a couple of other platforms, corporate housing type platforms that I leverage in suburban areas to seek out those traveling executives that are coming for whether it’s SEO training or relocating. Those areas I do use our typical platforms plus some of those corporate platforms as well. But in the vacation rental areas, it’s the typical ones that you would use and then there are some regional ones, too. It could be North Carolina mountain cabin rentals, they’re just specific to that little region there, we’ll place our listings on those as well.

Jen: You mentioned suburban houses and what about physicians or other healthcare professionals who might be listening who would be in a rural setting, for example, that might want to purchase in a local market because then they could manage the property themselves? Have you found that there are good investment opportunities in areas outside of major metropolitan areas? How do you handle that and what do you recommend for someone who may be in that situation?

Dr. Rachel: What’s interesting about luxury travel, luxury travel right now as it relates to luxury travel back in the day. Modern luxury is the accumulation of unique experiences. Being able to connect with others, being able to connect with nature, those who are traveling want their travel to be convenient, thoughtful, the designs are thoughtful. And so, rural areas fall square in the middle of providing some of those unique experience. I cannot tell you how interesting [chuckles] some of those rural areas are. I actually just discovered a rural area in Kentucky that has a treehouse generating $150,000 a year, then you have to climb all the way up, and, you know, it’s just so intriguing. Those unique experiences, those Instagrammable moments is what a lot of those travelers are looking for and they’re willing to pay for it. 

I was listening to a podcast the other day and it was about the strangest conversations you’ve heard on an airplane and a woman says, “I’m going to” – it wasn’t Kentucky, it was another state, “I’m going to Kentucky to stay in a yurt.” It’s like, seriously, they’re going specifically for that yurt. They’re going specifically for whatever it is that you can provide that is unique. The barrier to entry I think is a lot lower than a lot of us would imagine. I can pitch a tent. There’s a hammock somewhere, I think in California making $50 a night. [laughs] Seriously, a hammock!


Dr. Rachel: It’s hilarious. We’re just limited by our own imaginations and definitely they’re circles that specialize in that where you would find the right zoning in the areas if that’s your jam, but, the outdoorsy folks, yeah, there’s a lot you can do in a rural area for sure.

Jen: That’s really exciting. 

Dr. Rachel: [laughs] 

Jen: If I was listening to this again, if you’re someone who is trying to think this through and you’re coming up with these barriers in your mind like, “Well, how would you prevent having people come in and have destructive behavior? or “How would you manage a really detailed type of cleaning?” “How do you manage pricing?” So, would you mind just giving us an overview of how you have– Do you have a system for all of that, have you figured out something that works or do you just take that on a property-by-property basis? How have you managed to do that and do it in a way that really isn’t a full-time job in and of itself?

Dr. Rachel: You’re absolutely right, because we specialize in larger homes, so, five to eight bedrooms. A lot of the big myths out there for those who are actually in the real estate world, “Oh no, don’t do bigger homes.” You hear coaches saying that all the time, “Don’t do bigger homes. The bigger the home, the more likely you will attract a party,” which makes sense. And so, I only do bigger homes because what I found is that when I host multi-generational, multi-families, I have four or five paying adult units like uncle, aunt, siblings, grandma, grandpa. They’re happy to split that nightly rate and we charge anywhere from $900 a night to $2,800 a night. They’re happy to split that and it’s still a great deal compared to getting a room block at a hotel. I do larger homes and so, I am prone for parties, and I have never had a party, or a rager, or anything in my homes because there’s ways to definitely vet your guests and prescreen your guests. And so, you ask for ID. That’s one way. You make sure the ID matches up with their profile, you request a deposit. 

Another thing is, sometimes in some areas, I don’t allow locals to book because locals, if they’re looking for just a one-day rager they’re going to book. And so, two-night minimums or three-night minimums, if you’re comfortable with that. Partiers typically just want one night. They are there all day. So, you can deter that by asking for three-night minimum. If it’s someone who doesn’t have a lot of reviews on their profile, so they don’t really have a track record. You don’t know what they’re going to do. You can ask for a security deposit, refundable upon them keeping the place in pretty good shape. I’m not saying they’re going to clean it, but if they don’t destroy it, they will get the deposit back. It’s pretty hefty. Anywhere from 3k to 5k, which will definitely deter someone from partying because they want their 3 to 5k back. Immediately the conversation ends. They don’t want to talk to me, they don’t want to bug, and so, we have things in place. 

To answer the question, I haven’t spoken with a guest or responded to a guest, I would say in about six months. I have a couple of virtual assistants who help me with that, so they copy and paste all of my responses to the same questions, because guests tend to ask pretty much the same questions. They have taken over that part of it. If there’s something that is unique, they’ll send that to me with their response and I can make a tweak to it and they’ll send that to the guest. 

And when it comes to cleaning, cleaning is really one of the most important metrics that I measure. When my guests leave, there’s a whole communication workflow. The day after they wake up, “Well, how was everything? Was anything missing? Let me know.” I want those five-star reviews and I want them to have a great time. So, I’m taking that patient care to guest care. I’m always making sure that they’re looked after and checking in on them. And so, if they say, “Well, such and such was missing” or “Such and such was,” then our cleaners and our runners get on top of it. 

We have a white glove inspector, also. I love to use our military vets that are within the local area. They’ll just walk over to the property, they have a little checklist of mine, and they’ll look through, and make sure that everything’s done correctly, and they can sweep up back porch if that looks like it needs to be done for 20, 30 bucks, 15 minutes’ worth of work, and they love it, and they’re very picky and detail oriented, which I love. But the cleaners, they do upload photos after the clean. We have the white glove inspector, we have the guests let us know what that looks like, and at the end of the week, I look at the cleaning metrics. And so, I want greater than 97% five-star reviews in the cleaning category. If we don’t have that, then we start having conversations with the team. So, KPIs all over again. 

Jen: What are KPIs? 

Dr. Rachel: Key performance indicators. For us, our key metric that we look at is the cleaning team reviews.

Jen: Wow, you do have it thoroughly covered. 

Dr. Rachel: [chuckles] 

Jen: That’s wonderful. You have properties in areas that are not necessarily where you live, right?

Dr. Rachel: Yep. 

Jen: How do you manage that, where they are remote?

Dr. Rachel: We have 18 properties in our portfolio. We own about half of that portfolio. We have another nine or so that have come from investors who want to do it, but they threw in the towel, because you do want to have the systems in place. You start with one and then you pretend like you’re building an empire with that one because you want to make sure your Is are dotted, your Ts are crossed. Again, it takes the team because can you imagine, if I was hesitant about managing remotely, but I had to think to myself, “Well, if the plumbing goes out, well, I’m not the one who can fix it anyway. I’m going to have to pick up a phone and call someone.” Just like I can call a plumber, I can call a runner. And a runner, it’s like a task person. There’s an app called TaskRabbit. You just say, “Hey, could you go to the local store and grab me a blow dryer and drop it off at this place.” [chuckles] And for $20, they’ll do that. Good thing. We have a lot of grocery delivery now. I’ll order a blow dryer from Publix, the grocery store, and have it delivered to the property along with a few missing knives or something like that. That’s really how we started off leveraging the help of others, and we continue to do so, we’ve just built out a system to do it more seamlessly.

Yeah, building a team, our virtual assistants, we actually found some great virtual assistants who used to work for some of those big platforms who have since left. [chuckles] I seek them out because they do even a better job than I do of resolutions and deconflicting calendars, they’re really good at it. There’re so many people out there who you can leverage their talent, who would be happy to do those tasks that you and I may be dreading. And so, the power of leveraging other people’s talents is really what I look forward to doing.

Jen: Yeah, that reminds me about a previous podcast episode we had where one of our co-hosts, Dr. Gabriella Dennery, whose family is also from Haiti, actually–

Dr. Rachel: Oh, my.

Jen: She was talking about how outsourcing can really be a way to help other people, because you’re giving people work. And so, it can be a win-win all around. I love that concept that you can turn that over and let someone help you. You can take that off of your plate, and keep doing the work that you’re finding purpose in, and let someone else takeover this task. And then you have your standard operating procedure, so everybody on your team knows exactly what they’re expected to do. 

Dr. Rachel: Yeah.

Jen: Do you have a program, so that you help other people put this property management into place for their own luxury short-term rentals?

Dr. Rachel: I do. The reason I came up with one, because I really believe that we should be managing our own and – not dissing any property managers, but I feel as though I’m a little bit more attentive than anyone else would be in my business. I’m going to own my business and just really take great care of it. I find with a lot of property managers, they’re juggling a lot of properties and you sometimes wonder, “Are they giving my property priority versus–?” [laughs] To take that away, I really get laser focused on us managing our own properties. I have a program where I teach others who are getting started with their very first one or they’re trying to get started with their next one and they realized the first one wasn’t optimized. I actually have a client of mine who has eight properties that weren’t optimized. And so, she came and joined the program, and we looked at each listing, we looked at the cleaning team, we looked at all of those key tenants of that business, and we were able to get the pricing optimized, get the calendars optimized, as well. 

I call it the luxury short-term rental academy and so, [chuckles] I cater primarily to healthcare professionals. But of course, anyone who gravitates towards my mission, and it is “how do I own and operate the fewest number of properties that generates the highest profitability?” I’m just focused on almost a minimalistic approach, because I think one or two could really change your life and allow you to bring your patient care to a whole new level, because you have a little bit of that breathing room and elbow room in your lives. It takes up a bit of stress to have a little bit more cash coming in on the side.

Jen: Absolutely. I love the concept of just getting yourself into that safety zone. If you stop and think about what you need to be in a zone where you can just cover your basic expenses, then you can put a property number on that. For example, if that’s what you choose to do and then it doesn’t have to be an unlimited number of properties that grows and grows and grows, it might just be one or two that could make a significant difference in your own peace of mind.

Dr. Rachel: Absolutely, yeah.

Jen: I love what you’re doing. So, how can people reach you if they want to learn more? 

Dr. Rachel: Yeah, so, I have a free gift. What I get asked all the time as, “Well, where should I invest, what are the top cities?” If you go to, that’s 7-5-G-E-M-S dotcom, you’ll get access to my free 75 cities in the US with the highest profitability for short-term rentals, and that’ll also share with you a link to my free Facebook group, where I provide trainings every week for free.

Jen: Well, thank you so much, Dr. Rachel Gainsbrugh for coming on DocWorking: The Whole Physician Podcast. It’s great to talk with you and I look forward to future conversations.

Dr. Rachel: Absolutely. Thank you so much, Jen. This is so much fun.


Jen: At DocWorking, we’re here to help you maximize your potential on your own terms and help you live your best life. You told us what you need and want and we built this for you. Whatever your journey is, you have options, you can choose to live the life you want to live. We see you, we get you and now, let’s get you in the driver’s seat of your own life, so you can find purpose in your work, and everything you do, and every choice you make. Top executives, athletes, actors all achieve greatness with the support of professional coaches. As a healthcare professional, you deserve ongoing coaching support toward achieving your career goals and living your best life as you define it on your own terms.

We have created this specifically for you with CME credit at Please go to and check out our quick balance to burnout quiz to see where you are on the balance to burnout continuum right now. The results might surprise you. Taking this simple first step may change your life for the better. And until next time, thank you for listening to DocWorking: The Whole Physician Podcast.

Board-certified practicing radiologist, founder and CEO ofDocWorking, and host of top rankedDocWorking: The Whole Physician Podcast

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