This episode focuses on time management and will help you minimize contaminated time at work and at home in order to improve your work-life...
Being A Unicorn in Physician Leadership with Dr. Camelia Lawrence
“You know, to be a unicorn, I think you have to be willing to stand out from the pack and sometimes take a different pathway forward. You can...
Physicians and the Power of Mentorship with Dr. Umaru Barrie
Umaru Barrie MD PhD speaks about physicians and the power of mentorship. “As busy as I am, I try to give 15, 10 minutes...
The Real Time Benefits of Meditation
Learn about the real time benefits of meditation. “Which now means whatever activity I’m involved in, whether it’s for...
What To Do When You Don’t Get the Promotion You Deserve
In this episode, find out what to do when you don't get the promotion you deserve. How to deal with that disappointment....
Physicians and the Power of Mentorship
This episode is about the power of mentorship and tips about how to utilize a mentor and start reaching your career trajectory now....
Shifting Habits To Create More Meaning in Everyday Life
How to start shifting habits to create more meaning in your everyday life. Learn how to shift habits to create more...
Physicians: How to Silence Your Inner Critic
How to silence your inner critic. In this episode, learn how to silence your inner critic. “If it’s not helpful, which...
Physician Entrepreneurship and Serving Others with Dr. Van Krishnamoorthy
In this episode, we discuss physician entrepreneurship and how most physicians are primed to become entrepreneurs.
Making the Case for Physician Creativity
Making the case for physician creativity. “Really it’s beyond just artistic expression, everybody is a creative...
Entrepreneurship and the Black Woman Physician with Dr. Omalara Uwemedimo
We’re everywhere you like to get your podcasts! Apple iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Google, Pandora,...
How Physicians Can Improve Work-Life Balance by Minimizing Contaminated Time at Work and at Home
We’re everywhere you like to get your podcasts! Apple iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Google, Pandora,...
Editor’s Pick, Physicians, Debt & Making A Plan with Andrew Friedman
Our producer, Amanda Taran, is away this week and we've chosen to share some...
Courageous Conversations and How to Have More of Them
We’re everywhere you like to get your podcasts! Apple iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Google, Pandora,...
Physician Leadership Tools for 2021 and Beyond with Dr. Kemi Olugemo
We’re everywhere you like to get your podcasts! Apple iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Google, Pandora,...