
47: Importance of Setting Boundaries

by Jen Barna MD | Podcast

“I admit that I’m a recovering people pleaser. In that recovery process, I thought, ‘something is wrong, I feel irritated by what this person just said to me. But I can’t seem to stop it because I’m here to serve. Therefore it’s okay, I’ll just tolerate what is happening.’ And it could be any number of examples, whether it was patients, colleagues, or even at home.  I wasn’t terribly good at setting boundaries. And it became clear that it was exhausting, and really not a very self honoring situation to be in. So I had to learn how to to do it. It is not a skill I was born with. I don’t know if it’s a skill anyone is born with, and to be honest it is something you need to cultivate over time.” – Coach Gabriella Dennery MD


Join co-lead Coaches at DocWorking, Gabriella Dennery MD and Jill Farmer as they sit down to talk boundaries. We learn why boundaries are important and that they aren’t just important for us, but also for the people in our lives. We learn that having boundaries isn’t mean, it is actually helpful and the kind thing to do. Not having clear boundaries makes life and relationships messy but having clear boundaries cleans things up. Listen to find out how to implement boundaries in your life and live with the freedom it gives to you and those around you!


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Podcast produced by: Amanda Taran

Board-certified practicing radiologist, founder and CEO ofDocWorking, and host of top rankedDocWorking: The Whole Physician Podcast

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